
Vanguard’s newly-published, nothing-new post on climate change

A screenshot of the top of Vanguard website. The title "Vanguard's approach to climate change" has been circled in red with "Overdue!!" written above in red. The image around the title at the top has been replaced with a forest on fire.

At 11 p.m. eastern on April 20, 2022, Vanguard quietly published a blogpost on its website outlining the firm’s current approach to climate change. The post contains no new commitments or details on Vanguard’s part. Perhaps the only truly noteworthy aspect of this post is its timing — Vanguard published it a mere 14 hours after the launch of the Vanguard S.O.S. campaign.

While publicizing climate efforts is always a good thing for accountability, the post lacks both substance and specifics. So, following in the footsteps of shareholder advocacy organization As You Sow, the Vanguard S.O.S. campaign decided to add a few necessary edits to Vanguard’s post.


Resources used as the basis of our critique: