
Vanguard, stop funding the Mountain Valley Pipeline

The Mountain Valley Pipeline - a 300-mile long natural gas pipeline running through Appalachia - is already creating destruction and contamination as it is being constructed. As of the end of December 2023, Vanguard has over $16.7B in share holdings and almost $3B in bond holdings in the project’s owner companies. Join us in taking action to stop Vanguard's investments funding extractive, harmful projects such as this.

Take action against the Mountain Valley Pipeline

Stop the Money Pipeline

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Tell Vanguard’s executives to prioritize the rights of Indigenous people, our communities, and environmental rights and stop investing in the owner companies of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

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Sierra Club

Sign the Petition

Tell the CEOs of BlackRock, Vanguard State Street and Fidelity to put our future and our long-term savings over short-term fossil fuel profits by taking action on climate change.

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