
About the campaign

Vanguard S.O.S. is a global campaign pushing Vanguard to chart a new course away from climate catastrophe and towards truly sustainable and responsible investing. Vanguard is missing the iceberg ahead, and all of our lives depend on them turning this ship around.

Moving the giants of finance

We are a campaigning network of civil society organizations, social movements, and financial experts working together to secure a climate-safe future for everyone. Individuals, shareholders, investors, NGOs, and employees are all joining the call for Vanguard to stop funding climate chaos and escalating economic risk.

Many groups in the network share a history of pushing BlackRock to start tackling its big climate problem, and we are expanding our efforts towards the world’s second-biggest asset manager, Vanguard.

This growing network of “fossil finance” campaigns around the world demands that the biggest funders of climate chaos – banks, investors, and insurers – shift their funds out of fossil fuels and toward clean and just solutions, before it’s too late for all of us.
